Sunday, October 21, 2007

are you f'ing kidding me???

ok, so i was watching degrassi with everyone and one of the girls, darcey, got raped and now she has an std and she can't tell her parents because she made that chastity promise. so she can't tell her parents that she was raped. and she was found in the shower during cheerleading practice with all her clothes on and she had cut her wrists open and the team captin or whoever found her called 911 and was at the hosipatial with darecy's parents and darcey's boyfriend (who i guess got raped too or something.) and darcey's mom went up the the cheer team captin and asked her if she knew what happened. she put it like this "do you know why my perfect daughter would do something like that to herself?" i was like omg no she did not just say that!!! that makes me sooooooo mad. that is a parent that has such a big expection for her child that it probabl pushed her to the point that she feels like she can't tell her mom stuff that important. the mom even asked darcey if anything was ok and darcey lied to her and told her that she just didn't feel good. no duh! she has an std! and she can't tell her mom that she was raped! that really really really really really makes me mad!!!!!! i am so glad that my parents don't have that perfection expectation for me. i think that not haveing that huge burden of trying to be perfect for you parents actually makes you want to try harder. like you want them to know that you're really good, but you don't want them to want you to be perfect. you get what i'm saying? i just hope that most, if not all parents will do a double take when they want their child or children to be perfect. that puts sooooooooo much pressure of kids and teens that it's unbelieveable!!!!that kind of pressure is what creates depression and suicide and murder and school shoot outs and other crap like that. i just hopw that if there are any parents that read this that want their kids to be perfect, take another thought about that. think about how much pressure you're creating and the fact that your kid may turn out like darcey and feel like they can tell you some of the most important things that are happening in their lives. life or death.

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