Friday, December 21, 2007

it's been soooo long

so, what's everyone been up to? last night my project voice class had a concert. before the concert though, kimie, abby, debbie, angie, and i went to go get some coldstone and it took so long to get there by skyway, so we decided to go walk outside to get back so we wouldn't be late. so, while we were walking outside, abby's feet started to hurt and she ended up walking bare foot throught the snow!! anyway, the concert went really really really really really really well. we had a blast and we didn't really mess anything up! but i have to go now. just thought i'd check in!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

by the way...

...i just thought you should know that L is lici and K is kimie. i just got tired of putting their names down and then erasing it because i just remembered that i had initails for them. so that's that. L is lici and K is kimie.

what's up?

ok... i know that i haveb't been blogging in a while, but i have been really really busy. there has been so much going on with volleyball, church, school and it's events. it crazy! but sometimes that's what happens. on tuesday we had a volleyball game and i am kinda mad about it because we lost. i don't mind losing, but the opposing team was so unorganized and crap. it took them like 5 minutes just to rotate positions. and they weren't even that good of a team. it just mad me a little mad. but last night at practice, we worked a little harder and we worked hard and we got our stuff together. so, i just hope that we can do better in tommorrow's game.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

by the way...

... my throat still hurts kind of, but i did have some water and that helped a greater deal than i thought it would.

are you f'ing kidding me???

ok, so i was watching degrassi with everyone and one of the girls, darcey, got raped and now she has an std and she can't tell her parents because she made that chastity promise. so she can't tell her parents that she was raped. and she was found in the shower during cheerleading practice with all her clothes on and she had cut her wrists open and the team captin or whoever found her called 911 and was at the hosipatial with darecy's parents and darcey's boyfriend (who i guess got raped too or something.) and darcey's mom went up the the cheer team captin and asked her if she knew what happened. she put it like this "do you know why my perfect daughter would do something like that to herself?" i was like omg no she did not just say that!!! that makes me sooooooo mad. that is a parent that has such a big expection for her child that it probabl pushed her to the point that she feels like she can't tell her mom stuff that important. the mom even asked darcey if anything was ok and darcey lied to her and told her that she just didn't feel good. no duh! she has an std! and she can't tell her mom that she was raped! that really really really really really makes me mad!!!!!! i am so glad that my parents don't have that perfection expectation for me. i think that not haveing that huge burden of trying to be perfect for you parents actually makes you want to try harder. like you want them to know that you're really good, but you don't want them to want you to be perfect. you get what i'm saying? i just hope that most, if not all parents will do a double take when they want their child or children to be perfect. that puts sooooooooo much pressure of kids and teens that it's unbelieveable!!!!that kind of pressure is what creates depression and suicide and murder and school shoot outs and other crap like that. i just hopw that if there are any parents that read this that want their kids to be perfect, take another thought about that. think about how much pressure you're creating and the fact that your kid may turn out like darcey and feel like they can tell you some of the most important things that are happening in their lives. life or death.


ok...i am still at L's house. it is like 4:43 am and everyone's awake. we're watching this show who's name i do not know. i think it's degrassi. but i don't know. they're all obsessed with it and they all know what's going on and i have no clue what's happening. i think it's degrassi. L is trying to sleep but people aren't letting her. i feel really bad for her. i'm trying to keep my eyes awake. everyone
s trying to pull an all nighter. i really don't think that i'm gonna make it. i don't think L is either. this show is getting comfussing because i know for sure that it's degrassi now, but i don't watch it. so it's really odd. but w/e. now K and everyone is talking about what they would do to L if she really fell asleep. but she's not. and Jess just said that "it's a sleepover. we're not going to let you sleep at a sleep over". but w/e. i'm just trying to keep my eyes awake even if it's just for the fact that i just heard what they would do to L and i don't want that to happen to me. but now they're leaving L alone. but w/e. now they're getting really really loud and i think L's parents are goig to come down and tell us to be quieter. cuz i was just up on the second floor and they were in the basement and i could hear every word that they said. but w/e. i think i'm done now. i need some water. my throat hurts and i can tell that i'm losing my voice. i'm gonna go get some water now and sign off. nighty nighty morning.

Friday, October 19, 2007

all that matters right now

hey all. i am at L's house right now with dove and we're sleeping over. righ now L and dove are up loading a movie that we made earlier unto L's computer! it's so funny. i think we're gonna put it on youtube. if we do, i'll post the link. bu we're having a lot of fun. i just love the fact that all three kids have their own computers. and the parents share a computer and they have a laptop each. i'm so jelous!!! even though i can't spell it, i am it! lol. but we're haveing a lot of fun and then i go to church with them in the morning and then after that i'm staying for L's party that starts at like 7pm, so i'm like staying for a long time. but i'm totally great with it. but see, L's dad is just like my dad. literally. her dad is a black version of my dad and my dad is a white version of her dad. it's kinda scary. but see, i live with my dad, so when her dad pulls the same stuff that me dad pulls, i'm prepared!! lol. it's all good though. we're having fun and really, that's all that matters righ now!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

100 mph

ok... my heart is going at like 100 mph. me and K debbie Jacob L and dove just had a really scary moment. and jacob keeps making fun of it. it's really creepy. i'm not sure that i can say the extent of it, but now my heart is slowing down to like 75 mph.


ok... i am bored. i am working on a paper about the great depression and grrr... it just a little frustrating to read about histroy in english class. but whatever, i just gotta get it done and get on with life. whatever. i'm tired and hungray. more hungray than tired though. ok... bye bye.

Monday, October 15, 2007

bordom in third hour

omg...i am in 3rd hour and we have like 3 minutes left and i am bord. my work is all done and i am bored. grrrrrrrr........ did i mention that i am bored? ugh. what to do. i really think this is the longest 3 minutes of my life. now we have 2.3 minutes. imma scream. this is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what to do? what to do? idk. now i am listening to K telling jess that she would totally turn her into a guy. but w/e. now i have to go. bye bye.

Friday, October 12, 2007

i think...

i think K and i are ok. she has eased up a little bit about the whole S thing. a lot. we've been really good with eachother. we're fine. just to let ya'll know. everything is great between us again. and just also, i just want to say sorry about the use of foul laungage in my blog. i will cut down on that a lot. thanks.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

i take it back

ok, i take that last one back. K and i are not ok. not in my book at least. she's acting like my mother. telling me what to do and what not to do. how and what to feel. it's really starting to get to me. really really really starting to piss me off. she wrote me a note in english and she told me to "stop flirting" and "it's starting to get to her andD that i am flirting with S." but see, the thing is, K FLIRTS WITH S!!!!!!! every time i talk to him, she tells me to stop flirting. even if i'm just talking. i'll ask him about a math problem and he'll be explaining it to me and if she sees that we're talking, she'll be like "sami, stop flirting. i need to talk to you." i really really wish she would stop acting like my mother with this shit!! i honestly think that she's acting this way because she likes him, but doesn't want to tell. she also keeps telling me that D is mad at me. D would let me know if he was mad. he's been mad at me before and he's done something about it, if he was mad, he'd tell me. plus, K said that D wouldn't tell me, and that D is lying to me. but if he was lying to me, he's be lying to 2 other people too. including one that would kick his ass about lying to her about something like this. but i'm at the point where i just don't care. I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT S AND I REALLY REALLY WISH K WOULD GET THAT AND STOP TRYING TO RUN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you can't tell, this is really starting to piss me the fuck off!!!!! K needs to stop! seriously!! right now, i'm just going to act like nothing is wrong.
sorry to all people who don't see me as one to swear, but that may happen a lot.
ok... it is now 4th hour and i am done with my grammer tests. i got like 87% on the first one and like 95% on the second. K and i are ok. it's all good. i'm bored. mr. ferris is trying to figure out who won on the test. he made it a competion. like whoever gets the highest score gets a prize. right now, me and katie are tied for first and people are still finishing the tests. but whatever. just thought i'd let ya'll know that K and i are good and that i did good on my grammer tests! yay!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

about that...

ok, about that first one, things have cooled down a little bit. i told K that i am not mad at her. i think we're cool. we talked for like a few seconds after 6th hour, but then her phone rang and she had to answer it. but, i think we're cool. lets just see how things go in first hour tommorrow since i sit next to K and in front of S. w/e. tonight we had conferences. things went rather well for me. it was actually kinda suprising. my grades are as following.
math= B
spanish= A
biology= B
english= A
world history= C
project voice= A
so i think that's rather good. math i'm fine with. spanish i'm really good at so that didn't really suprise me. biology is good even though i could try harder on my homework according to my teacher. english is really great. we haven't done a whole heck of a lot there, but what we have done, i guess is getting me far. world history is ok. i think my most previous test really sunk me, but other than that, i think that i could really boost that grade. project voice is basically chior. we do have some writing assignments, but other than that all we do in that class is sing and watch movies. (our teacher threw out her back and was gone for a week, so we were watching a lot of family guy and such). but that class is really easy and fun. i have it last hour, so it's kinda my release hour. but that is basically a synopisis of my conferences. so, K and i are ok, i think and my conferences went well. i'm happy.

i know this is my first one but...

...i have a lot to say!
why is it that every time i like a guy, i can't do anything about it? it's either me or him or my friends. someone always finds a way to screw things up. so i was going to ask a guy, S, out and i told my friend, L. i don't think i made it clear that i wanted it to be a secret and L went and told my friend, K. so then K tells my friend D. D also likes S. so after that, K keeps telling me that D is mad at me and she keeps telling me not to do anything about S and just let him be and all this. K kept saying Don't do anything until i say you can. and stuff like that. it is really making me mad. then i told L all this and she thought it was her fault, but it's not and i told her that and L and i are cool, but she told me that she talked to D and that D isn't mad at me. plus i saw D in the hall, and he hugged me and we were talking like nothing was wrong. if D ws mad at me, he would have told me. but all this is really blowing up in my face and now i don't think i am going to do anything about S. i think i'm just going to let him be, because if he's going to cause all this shit between me and my friends, i don't see why it's worth it. i can just stay friends with him and act like nothing is wrong. it's not the first time i would have to do that.