Monday, December 6, 2010

Should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted?

I think they are fine the way they are now. Having ratings on the movies and warnings before the show. It's like, you have a warning and everything, you can decide if you want to watch it or if you want your kids to watch it or anything like that. You have the power in the situation. If you don't think your kids can handle the violence or the sex appeal, don't let them watch it. They don't need to be "restricted", you just have to have the brain smarts to make a decision.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?

Yes. The school is public for a reason. Don't want a particular religion there? Become a private school.

Should bartenders be held responsible for the behavior of their patrons?

Absolutely not. Just like the tobacco use. It's not the bartender's job to babysit their patrons. They can limit the amount of alcohol someone consumes. If a patron is getting too rowdy and completely drunk, the bartender can refuse to serve them, but they're not responsible for the person's behavior. A bartender is not a babysitter.

Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths?

Not at all. If you smoke or chew tobacco, you're making that choice. It says right on the side of all tobacco products "Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health"
Seriously, people who smoke know what they're doing to themselves. Tobacco companies are only doing their job. It's the people's decision if they use the products or not.

Should surrogate motherhood be either banned or regulated be law?

No. Honestly, I think this is dumb question. I know "there's no such thing as a stupid question", but this one could rank as one. If a couple can't get pregnant, for whatever reason, sometimes a surrogate mother is the only shot they have at having a child of their own. Of course, there's always adoption, but some people want a baby of their own so badly. A surrogate mother is the only way sometimes. Why in God's name would you ban the right to have your own child?

What types of regulations of smoking in public places should the legal system impose?

Okay, seriously? I mean, what we have now is alright. I'm not a smoker, but I have a lot of friends and family who smoke. I'm comfortable around it, but I can understand how some people could be bothered by it.
If you're in an environment, though, that is kinda meant for smoking, like a bar or outside, complaining about it is kind of pointless. Granted a bar can have a smoking section and so can certain places outside, but why should there be? Those are like the only places now where it's acceptable. I mean, restaurants have even wiped out smoking sections.
I'm not trying to advocate for smoking, but I have nothing against it, really. Just leave the bars and outdoors alone.

Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources?

If they are asked to, yes. I'm not expecting them to have a bibliography at the end of their article, but if they get asked where they got their information, they should be required to tell.

Should the government provide child day care centers for working parents?

Yeah, I think so. Or at least for when the children are still really young, like right after maternity leave is up. The problem with some daycares is that they have hours. If both parents are working, it can be difficult to get the child. Some parents would have to take off work. Some parents work nights. With this economy, most families have both parents working. It would be easier if the government would provide child day cares, specifically at the work sites. I know, not all work sites are suitable for children, but it would sure be helpful, not to mention beneficial.

Do "beauty" contests (Mr. America, Miss America, etc.) serve any purpose in society?

I don't think so.
Personally, I think those kinds of contests just contribute to society's standard of what beauty is. Society has America thinking that this is the definition of beauty

Which, don't get me wrong, she is beautiful, but this is the standard that America is set at. This is what little girls look at and are told they're supposed to be like.
But this is beauty too.
So she's thicker. What's wrong with that? Both of these women are gorgeous.
So, no. I don't think those contests really serve a purpose. For most girls, they set unrealistic standards and only cause trouble.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?

Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?
Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces? Let's think about this.
Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?
YES. Why? If someone is willing to serve their country, should it really matter if they prefer men to women? Or vice versa?
If a man is willing to serve his country, should his sexual orientation matter? He wants to serve the country. He wants to do his part to help. Why do you feel the need to reject him? Because he likes guys? Because he might try to hit on other men?
We're all humans and we all deserve the same rights. Even if we like the same gender.
You should accept the help you're offered instead of recruiting people who don't want to, just because they're not gay.