Friday, February 22, 2008

wow!! it's been so long!

i have so much to say and i don't even know where to start!! um...ok, i think i know. everything has been good lately. for the most part. monday, i didn't have school and i slept over at lici's house on sunday night and we were up until like 5:30 am watching movies and chatting with people on myspace. it was all fun. tuesday was tuesday. i stayed after school for play practice and then i went home and did homework i think. i don't really remember much from tuesday. it's been a long week. wendsday, i stayed after and i went to My Fair Lady with the urban humanities class (which i am not in. they just had extra tickets and i wanted to go). it was fun. it was long and i didn't get home until like 11:00 pm. but it was a good play. it was me, ac, lici, debbie, dana, and some other people. but it was fun. we went out to dinner and then to the play. then last night, thursday, i stayed after for play practice and we were suppossed to start a new dance, but i really don't think we did. and then there's today. today's been good so fair. i'm waiting for lunch to start. we're in the computer lab working on autobiographies, but i'm stuck on mine, so i decicded to come here since i haven't been here in a while. ok. i think i have said everything i can say.
bye bye for now.

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